Gorgeous Grey Movement
"I am so excited to lead you and inspire you on your own journey of ditching the dye."
The Gorgeous Grey Movement came to be after a health scare, I had last year in 2018. I found two lumps in my breasts that got me on the path to discovery. That panic of “what if” set in. The lumps were just cysts thank God, but they were painful and other symptoms of poor health were starting to show up in my late 40’s. This was a big Wake Up Call for me to dig deep into my lifestyle choices. Despite myself being a Holistic Nutritionist I realized there were still areas to improve to achieve optimal health. One of the things I learned along the way were the level of dangerous toxins I was using monthly to dye my dark hair. This led me to create the Gorgeous Grey Movement and inspire others to join me on “Owning their own Sparkle”.
October 12th, 2018 would be my last root touch up forever. Let’s go back to what happened that day. It was the usual fast in and out root touch up. I felt the usual burn to the scalp but this time I was more aware of the burn then ever. Why was it burning? What was in the dye that was causing me so much discomfort? Where was that dye soaking into? Where was it going in my body? The toxic fumes filled my lungs with every breathe I took and I noticed a slight burn in my eyes. For two days after I felt off. My head was fuzzy and I had a headache which I never get. My tongue had a toxic taste which I have noticed before. This time was different. I was tuned in. I was really paying attention to how I was feeling during and after my treatment. “Were those symptoms always there I asked myself”. Did I really ignore them all those years of dyeing my hair? I was more aware then ever of my symptoms from the hair dye and my inner voice was screaming at me! “Enough is enough Nicole! You are smarter then this. You know your DNA weakness. You know that you are adding massive amounts of toxins every 3 weeks to your body that you have the power to control. What if?” That was it. I made my decision right in that moment. No more. I was done with the root touch up forever. That grey sparkle was going to come and I was going to welcome it. I was doing this for my Health. I was finally going to listen to my body.
In my quest to go to the GREY SIDE, I decided I needed help and created the on-line Facebook Group Gorgeous Grey Movement. I was looking for inspiration from the legends that have gone before me. In the first two days over 100 women joined the movement. That was enough evidence for me to realize there was a need to support women that are looking to transition like me. My wish of this movement is to empower more women to come out of the closet with their GREY SPARKE and OWN it! Why you ask? For the health of it!

Email me your before and after picture along with a short story of why you decided to ditch the dye and I will feature you on social media.
Own Your Sparkle,